Parking directions

You are kindly requested to be informed on the Old Town traffic zone during summer season (01-04 to 15-11).

If your arrival is before 19:30 we recommend you to take the seaside street, El. Venizelos street, with direction to the Old Town.

At the end of this street there is a mandatory course versus left, in Petihaki street (Everest) which ends in Arkadiou street, in the Musuem of Loggia (there is a kiosk in the corner).

Here you can stop temporarily in order to unload your luggage (10mt distance from the hotel) and then follow Arcadiou up to its end (150 mt) so as to park the private parking next to the harbour (extra charge) or proceed to E. Kefalogianni street, which is by the sea and under Fortezza castle and park there (250 mt, free of charge).

If your arrival is after 19:30 we recommend you to take the circular street, E.Kefalogianni street. Before its end there is a public parking area under the Castle of Fortezza (free of charge), however if you continue at the end of the street you will meet the private parking (extra charge) next to the harbour.

From the Old Town Harbour starts Arkadiou street where you walk until you meet on your right (150 mt) the Museum of Loggia (nr. 214, there is a kiosk in front of it).

Vafe street, is the first vertical pedestrianized strret that you meet on your right (10 mt), right after Loggia.

Here you can see the map with spots near the hotel for parking (free of charge) and private parking (extra charge).

Do not hesitate to contact for any further queries or clarifications.

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